azhar azhar

Women's Committee

The Women's Committee is a group of women preachers, graduates of Al-Azhar University in Bekaa, and Sharia institutes in Lebanon. It was established by an administrative decision issued by the Mufti of Zahle and Bekaa Al-Gharbi, Dr. Sheikh Ali Mohammed Al-Ghazawi, with the aim of activating women's preaching work in our beloved Bekaa, and to elevate the status of Bekaa women religiously, culturally, educationally, and socially.

Vision of the Women's Committee: Enhancing the role of women in society through the establishment of various projects and activities that contribute to the development of the personality of Bekaa women, in accordance with the religious, scientific, and social principles advocated by Islamic law, to preserve the individual, the community, and the nation.

Mission of the Women's Committee: It is embodied in education and calling to Allah Almighty, and working to establish Islamic moderation in society.

Objectives: • The establishment of this committee by Dar Al-Fatwa in Bekaa aims to: • Harness youth and women's capabilities, especially in the process of preaching and educating the younger generation. • Instill effectiveness and activity in our sons and daughters so that they become supporters of preaching and a strong fortress for society. • Achieve and ensure communication with all active associations specialized in these fields. • Address social ills and phenomena that threaten the unity of the family and society. • Preserve the morals, values, customs, and traditions that we have been raised on.

Dissemination of knowledge and information

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