azhar azhar

Zakat Fund - Bekaa Branch

Zakat Fund - Bekaa Branch is an Islamic charitable social institution concerned with the affairs of the eight categories of recipients mentioned by the Almighty in His saying: "Zakat expenditures are only for the poor and for the needy and for those employed to collect [zakat] and for bringing hearts together [for Islam] and for freeing captives [or slaves] and for those in debt and for the cause of Allah and for the [stranded] traveler - an obligation [imposed] by Allah. And Allah is Knowing and Wise." [Quran 9:60].

The Zakat Fund in Bekaa was established in the year 1406 AH - 1986 AD, supervised by a general body of local entities specialized in religious, administrative, social, and economic fields. Additionally, the Bekaa Branch of the Zakat Fund provides support for cases of poverty, medical aid, and social assistance, contributing to the advancement of institutions like Dar Al-Fatwa in Bekaa, thus remaining the primary supporter of Islamic work in the region.

Since its establishment, the Zakat Fund has been assisting eligible families according to the Islamic criteria, distributing aid through various channels such as:

Permanent Aid: The Zakat Fund provides permanent aid according to established criteria, supporting around 2000 beneficiary families as of 2023, with aid totaling approximately 35,000,000,000 Lebanese pounds.

Emergency Aid: Emergency aid is provided based on established criteria, especially for medical cases requiring surgeries and other social needs. Monthly sessions are held to review applications accompanied by required documentation.

In-kind Assistance: The Zakat Fund extends assistance beyond financial aid to include food, clothing, children's toys, religious summer camps, and more, benefiting over 6,245 families and 10,570 individuals in 2023, with a total expenditure of over $875,000.

Application Process: The Zakat Fund collaborates with local representatives in each village to gather comprehensive information about applicants. Field investigations are conducted to assess cases, ensuring aid reaches those in genuine need.

Additionally, the Bekaa Branch of the Zakat Fund organizes a program for sacrificing and distributing sacrificial animals on the morning of Eid al-Adha, benefiting needy families including orphans and those with special needs. The branch also continues to hold seminars, lectures, and training courses to raise awareness about Zakat and promote its proper implementation.

Giving and goodness

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