azhar azhar
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Sponsorship of a preacher

Be seeker of goodness, sponsor a preacher. Sponsor a preacher and receive the reward of the preacher, for you will find deeds as vast as mountains on the Day of Judgment through an action you performed in this worldly life. Inviting to Allah, the Exalted, is among the most beloved and beautiful deeds. It is the duty of prophets and the sincere. The servant strives eagerly for Islam in spreading its message and inviting to the Creator. Doesn't this person, who dedicates their life to inviting to Islam and spreading the message of Muhammad, deserve our support, standing by their side and backing them? The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: 'Convey from me, even if it is a single verse.' Narrated by Abdullah ibn Umar. The preacher seeks to convey the true religion, the religion of Islam, and to inform people about the beliefs of Muslims and educate them in religion, as the Prophet, peace be upon him, said: Whoever Allah wants good for, He grants him understanding of the religion.

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