azhar azhar

Azhar Institute of Bekaa

Azhar Bekaa Institute is an educational institution concerned with teaching elementary, intermediate, and secondary stages for boys and girls under the supervision of Dar Al-Fatwa in Bekaa. It was founded under the name Azhar Lebanon, Bekaa Branch, in the year 1406 AH / 1985 AD, and then a ministerial decree was issued on 17/7/2001 AD (No. 5546) to establish Azhar Bekaa. Azhar provides official (academic) religious education to enable its students to obtain both religious and official certificates, allowing them to pursue their studies at universities in Lebanon and the Arab world afterward. The number of students for the academic year 2023-2024 reached about 900 students.

Female Institute: The Female Institute in Azhar Bekaa was established in 1997 because the vision of His Eminence the Mufti of Zahle and Bekaa, Sheikh Khaleel Al-Mais, may God have mercy on him, dictates that women are half of society, and that religious knowledge is equally important for them as it is for men.

Residential Section: Azhar Bekaa provides a residential section for males that accommodates one hundred and thirty students, in addition to students coming from abroad, while providing nutrition and all means of comfort within the framework of Islamic regulations. There is also another secondary religious section for females. For female students, transportation is provided daily after school to their homes by Azhar buses. A monthly allowance is also provided from the Zakat Fund for each male and female student.

The Almighty has appointed a select group of scholars to serve Azhar, supervising the students and serving them as follows:

  • The Council of Elders: Composed of prominent figures and intellectuals from the region, numbering 28 members.
  • The Educational Apparatus: Consisting of 96 teachers.
  • Technicians and workers, numbering 68 employees.

Azhar relies on Allah first and then on people of goodwill, institutions, and individuals in Lebanon and in the diaspora and the Islamic and Arab world to secure the students' expenses.

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