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Sponsor an orphan

Sponsor an orphan - Sponsored orphan = An observed deed

The Almighty says: "And do not approach the property of the orphan, except in the way that is best, until he reaches maturity. And fulfill [every] commitment. Indeed, the commitment is ever [that about which one will be] questioned." [Quran 17:34]

Be among those whom Allah has chosen to be in the path of orphans, a glimmer of hope and a source of comfort. For a seed that you may underestimate could become a tree that nourishes children with no one to turn to and no strength. Embrace an orphan with a warm heart and the intention to please the Most Merciful, to earn the companionship of the Messenger ﷺ in paradise.

In a hadith narrated by the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, he said: "I and the sponsor of an orphan are like these two in Paradise," and he gestured with his index and middle fingers. (Bukhari)

The Zakat Fund, Bekaa Branch, has a department dedicated to the affairs of orphans, providing for all their basic, educational, and physical needs to secure a better future and life for them. The number of beneficiaries of orphan assistance in the Zakat Fund records has reached 400 orphans. Looking forward to the year 2025, with the determination of the benevolent and the life makers, we aspire to sponsor a thousand orphans. Islam has urged us to embrace orphans with kindness and mercy and sponsoring orphans is among the greatest acts of righteousness.

Be generous and sponsor an orphan, so you may be close to the Messenger.

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