azhar azhar

Youth Committee

This is the first time the institution appears - established in 1985 by the late giant, His Eminence Sheikh Khalil Al-Meiss, may God have mercy on him, who planted this seed - with this momentum, and here is the hand of His Eminence Dr. Ali Al-Ghazawi nurturing that plant, blossoming flowers whose fragrance permeates the region, through committees organized to elevate the religious and intellectual status of our beloved region. His Eminence spared no effort to translate the letters of his electoral program into a tangible, realistic field work, spreading throughout this province where this towering institution overlooks, announcing to all the residents of the region that we are facing a new stage and drawing a new reality that leads the youth of the nation towards leadership, sovereignty, and greatness. From the womb of these words, the youth committee was born, with these goals and this vision, under the care and guidance of God, and the blessings of His Eminence and the supervision of Dr. Mustafa Abdel Halim. This work had to be launched through a group that believes that this institution carries the sound and proper approach to leading this society, and has the ability to absorb the human energies present and uplift the reality of young people aspiring to change their reality. In Azhar Al-Bekaa, we possess a moderate discourse that forms a cloak for all segments of the Bekaa community in general, and for the sons of the Sunni sect in particular. In a sensitive stage in our homeland Lebanon, where the youth street needs leadership and a vision representing their ideas and aspirations, the youth committee was formed. Why the youth committee? Believing in the importance of the youth stage, utilizing their energies, protecting their ideas from suspicions and deviations, and that can only be achieved through institutions and containing these energies. Who are we? A youth committee working to uplift Muslim youth in Bekaa. Our Mission: What are we looking forward to? Building an integrated Islamic personality, with the spirit of the era and the authenticity of the past. Our Vision: How can that be achieved? Utilizing youth energies for the benefit of society. Our Values: What do we rely on?

  • Faith
  • Hope
  • Cooperation
  • Tolerance
  • Unity in diversity Our Fields: Where do we work? Religious, cultural, social, artistic, and sports affairs. Targeted Audience: Who do we work with? Youth and young women in Bekaa from various cultural and social backgrounds. Objectives and Means:
  • Raising awareness in various religious and social matters.
  • Enhancing community participation through organizing volunteer activities and events.
  • Developing youth capabilities and skills through providing training and qualification programs.
  • Encouraging constructive dialogue among youth through activities that bring together youth from different cultures, providing opportunities for them to get to know each other and exchange opinions and ideas.
  • Promoting values of tolerance and mutual respect among youth through discussing issues that spark conflicts.
  • Activating university and student work through student unions and university clubs.

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