azhar azhar

College of Islamic Law

A university branch affiliated with the College of Islamic Law was established in Beirut in 2003 in the Azhar Bekaa region, and the College of Sharia and Law, Sharia Branch, opened its first units at the beginning of the academic year 2004/2003. This college grants its students from various nationalities a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Sharia and Islamic Studies. These nationalities include China, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Turkey, Macedonia, Albania, Tajikistan, Chechnya, Ghana, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Mali, Nigeria, and the countries to which the Bekaa's sons have emigrated.

A total of 1280 students have passed through its halls, of whom 203 graduated with a Bachelor's in Sharia and 125 with a Master's in Islamic Sharia by the end of the year 2023.

Its objectives:

  1. Firstly, it aims to achieve the global Islamic perspective based on knowledge and faith as sources of universal consciousness and to establish the values upon which citizens and society are built.
  2. To connect with the authenticity in the journey of the original Azhar through the distinguished centuries in inclusiveness, scientific integrity, demonstrating the spirit of moderation, and accepting the opinions of others in jurisprudence and the creed of the scholars in the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger, peace be upon him.
  3. Training specialists in Islamic, Arabic, and applied sciences.
  4. Contributing to the development of contemporary knowledge based on the nation's history and reaching the establishment of the nation's, homeland's, and society's revival project.
  5. Establishing cognitive integration between Sharia sciences and modern scientific methodology.
  6. Introducing Islamic sciences and guiding religious discourse.

Dissemination of knowledge and information

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