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Mufti Ghazawi on the anniversary of Mufti Al-Mais's passing: "Mufti Al-Mais was a life of giving and an energy that never knew fatigue or boredom."

1 month ago

Mufti Al-Mais, may Allah have mercy on him, between July 17, 1985, and July 29, 2021, lived a life of giving and an energy that never knew fatigue or boredom.

He was a prominent figure who appeared in Lebanon generally and in the Beqaa specifically, and was a blessed seed that quickly turned into a tree that bore fruit at every time by the permission of its Lord.

It is that spirit which expanded to carry with it all meanings of elevation, giving, and limitless sacrifice. Oh, stature that elevated others with it and mind that shaped the minds of the elite and the general public, you were a symbol among scholars, close to the public, and a leader among leaders.

May the mercy of Allah be upon you, the late Grand Mufti, Sheikh Khalil Al-Mais, and until we meet at the basin of Al-Mustafa in a seat of truth near a Sovereign, Perfect in Ability.

Your student and bearer of your trust,

Dr. Ali Muhammad Al-Ghazawi.


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