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Al-Azhar hosts the 'Al-Waad' team in support of Palestine and honors 400 male and female memorizers

7 months ago

Under the patronage and presence of His Eminence, the Grand Mufti of Zahle and the Bekaa, Dr. Sheikh Ali Al-Ghazawi, the Youth Committee at Dar Al-Fatwa in Bekaa organized a massive festival titled "The Flood of Al-Aqsa," in support of our people in besieged Gaza. The festival included the honoring of approximately 400 memorizers, with a prayer for the completion of the Holy Quran and a supplication for our brothers in Palestine. The event was attended by a group of scholars, political figures, parties, and various social organizations from Lebanon and Palestine, as well as representatives of Lebanese and Palestinian national parties. The festival featured recitations, fundraising for Gaza, and support for our brothers and sisters in need.

The festival was distinguished by the performance of the Al-Waad Islamic Art Troupe, which resonated with chants, turning the audience into a unified entity in support of Palestine. The Chairman of the Youth Committee, Sheikh Mustafa Abdul Halim, praised the resistance in Gaza, highlighting the significant role of the youth in supporting the cause. The Grand Mufti's speech, represented by Dr. Sheikh Ali Al-Ghazawi, conveyed greetings to the Mujahideen in Al-Aqsa and emphasized their connection with the land and the heavens.

A responsible message was directed to countries supporting the occupying state, urging them to fear Allah and make decisions that elevate their status. The speaker emphasized Lebanon's position in difficult circumstances regarding the Palestinian cause.

In conclusion, Sheikh Mohammed Abdul Rahman, head of the Bekaa Endowments Department, delivered a heartfelt speech, concluding with prayers for patience, victory, and triumph for our people in Gaza and Palestine.


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