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Opening of the 19th Islamic and Arabic Book Exhibition

5 months ago

Under the patronage of Prime Minister Mr. Najib Mikati and in the presence of His Eminence the Mufti of Zahle and the Bekaa, Dr. Sheikh Ali Al-Ghazawi, the 19th Islamic and Arabic Book Exhibition opened its doors on Sunday, 14th of April, organized by the Youth Committee at Dar Al-Fatwa Al-Bekaa and the Scientific Research Center in Azhar Al-Bekaa.

The opening was attended by Prime Minister Mr. Najib Mikati, represented by Dr. Abdul Razzaq Al-Qurhani, Minister of Industry, Mr. George Bou Chebel, representing the President of the Middle Bekaa Mukhtars Association, MP Yassin Yassin, Director of Bekaa Endowments, Sheikh Mohammad Abdul Rahman, the Coordinator of the Future Movement in Middle Bekaa, Mayor of Majdal Anjar, Mr. Sa'id Yassin, President of the Union of Municipalities of Al-Sahel, Mayor of Gaza, Mr. Mohammad Al-Majzoub, Mayor of Al-Faour, Mr. Ghazi Al-Sharif, MP Qabalan Qabalan, represented by Mr. Mohammad Al-Kurdi, Sharia Judge in Jabal Janine, Dr. Younis Abdul Razzaq, Sheikh Daniel Said, Deputy Governor of West Bekaa, Mr. Wasam Nasbih, Governor of Rashaya, Mr. Nabil Al-Masri, Advisor to the President, Sheikh Ali Al-Jannani, Officer of Zehle District, Mr. Rabi Mina, Director of Zakat Fund in Bekaa, Mr. Kamal Al-Din Al-Afash, Director of General Rifi's Office, Dr. Abdel Majeed Awad, Gold Industry Syndicate in Lebanon, Mr. Bou Ghosn Kurdian, and the esteemed sponsors Mr. Bilal Al-Jarrah, represented by Mr. Wasam Al-Jarrah, Mr. Radwan Khalid and Mrs. Sanaa, Mr. Bilal Al-Maarabuni, along with a gathering of scholars, political and social figures from Bekaa, youth, forums, and clubs, as well as a group of teachers and Sharia scholars.

The event was opened by Sheikh Imran Al-Fayadh with a recitation from the Holy Quran followed by Sheikh Saleh Ahmed. Then, the Youth Committee represented by its coordinator Sheikh Abdul Rahman Obeid delivered a speech, highlighting the academic institution established by the late Sheikh Khalil Al-Mais, and how it is followed by His Eminence the Mufti of Zahle and the Bekaa, Dr. Sheikh Ali Al-Ghazawi, emphasizing that the Islamic and Arabic Book Exhibition is a result of the Scientific Research Center in Azhar Al-Bekaa.

Dr. Abdul Razzaq Al-Qurhani then conveyed greetings from Prime Minister Mr. Najib Mikati, affirming: "Dar Al-Fatwa and Azhar Al-Bekaa have been working for more than twenty years on promoting values and raising cultural, educational, social, and developmental standards. It is crucial to mention that this esteemed institution, through Azhar Al-Bekaa and its religious, scientific, research, and social institutions."

Following that, the Mufti of Zahle and the Bekaa expressed his loyalty and dedication to the late Sheikh Khalil Al-Mais, pointing out the scientific and cultural status of Azhar: "Today, Azhar is reading, and the Arabs and the world should listen through our book exhibition," he added, "Lebanon still follows the letters, and it is upon the Arab nation to read the required letters in Lebanon so that Lebanon remains Arab in identity and belonging."

Regarding the issue of honorable Palestinians, he affirmed: "If the letters of belonging there speak, then the letters of the book here speak for them. We are not in a tragedy because we live the victory of a cause, a cause born anew in our children and carries a title."

As letters build nations, the hall was filled with locals, scholars, and youth, the beacon of the society who still follow cultural and scientific books in this electronic age, as books remain the strongest weapon in facing and solving daily crises.

The exhibition is accompanied by a daily program including various activities and hosting influential figures until the 28th of April, so please follow us to receive all updates.


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