azhar azhar

Praise be to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah. After that, Allah, the Exalted, favored this nation and highlighted its superiority over other nations when He said about it: "And thus we have made you a just community that you will be witnesses over the people and the Messenger will be a witness over you." Moderation was not a specific time, nor was it a specific place. It was not even a specific number, but it was the moderation of legislation and rulings.

Hence, this Sharia distinguished itself from other divine legislations. It was not marked by the severity of Judaism or the leniency of Christianity. It was also not limited to a specific aspect of life, but rather, it encompassed all areas of life, including beliefs, ethics, worship, transactions, legal judgments, personal status, and family matters. It illustrated the relationship between the servant and his Lord, his relationship with himself, and his relationship with others—both near and far.

Furthermore, this Sharia was not confined to a specific aspect of life; instead, it covered all aspects of life, including beliefs, ethics, worship, transactions, legal judgments, personal status, and family matters. It demonstrated the servant's relationship with his Lord, with himself, and with those around him. It was a comprehensive law that encompassed both the spiritual and physical dimensions of human life.

The life of the Prophet (peace be upon him) translated these meanings, as he was the first interpreter of Islam. His sayings were consistent with his actions, and there was no contradiction between his life and his call to Islam. Therefore, those who heard about him loved him, just as those who lived with him cherished and loved him. Allah wanted us to align our words with the moderation of Islam, and our actions as well. Therefore, He criticized those who say what they do not do, saying, "O you who have believed, why do you say what you do not do? Great is hatred in the sight of Allah that you say what you do not do."

Allah molded our souls to love moderation in everything. Therefore, the pure souls and sound minds accepted Islam and lived according to its rulings, becoming an example of progress and advancement in knowledge, intellectual, human, and cosmic aspects.

Today, Muslims live between unbearable rigidity and an unforgivable laxity due to the malicious plans executed against them and their ignorance of their own Sharia. Therefore, today, we need to return to our Sharia to learn and understand it correctly. We need to reconcile our words about the Sharia with our actions, demonstrating a proper understanding of it. It is our duty to remove the stigma of terrorism and backwardness associated with Islam by presenting the true Islam that coexists with people and people coexist with it, not the Islam that is unbearable due to its severity or unreadable due to neglect and abandonment.

It is time for reconciliation between scholars and society, between jurisprudence and thought, between rulers and the ruled, between the rich and the poor, and between the spiritual and physical aspects of life. We must represent the moderate Sharia accurately.

The enemy has plotted against our youth by forcing them into extremes, leading to moral decay. The youth are caught between extreme foolishness and blind laxity, instead of being contributors to society. Unfortunately, many of us have become part of the plan to alienate people from the great Islam.

Therefore, today, we must return to our Sharia, learning and teaching it as Allah revealed it—pure like the water that descends from the sky for the benefit of humanity. We, the capable ones, who hold the happiness and life of humanity in our hands, must be guides and not destroyers, contributors and not detractors.

We must live the Sharia with its moderation, avoiding extremism, negligence, compromise, favoritism, and hypocrisy. The Sharia of Allah needs to be lived, like pure water for the bodies. Therefore, I call upon myself and my community to manifest our identity through our individuals and institutions. Let us be at the ambitious level of our nation, and let us be a reason for calling others.

I also call upon every one who is keen on their religion to read the Sharia to their people, take the Sharia from its source, which is the scholars: "O son of 'Umar, your religion is your religion; it is only your flesh and blood. Take it from those who are upright, and do not take it from those who are corrupt." This is our hope, and even though we live in the harshness of our surroundings, we will continue to adhere to the precious Islamic Sharia and spread it among the people so that it flourishes like seeds and plants among hard rocks.

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